ソティス外伝 赤き谷の冒険譚 Tales of the Red Canyon
Sothis has a request for you, Byleth... At her insistence, you travel alone to the Red Canyon, followed by curious students.
ソティス: ……うーむ。何だったかのう。
Sothis: Hmmm... What was that name again?
Byleth: どうした? What's on your mind?
ソティス: 頭のここまで出かかっておるのに、思い出せん。うぬぬぬ……。
……!そうじゃ! ザナドじゃ!
Sothis: Oh, this is frustrating me to no end! I simply can't recall.
Oh, I have it! Zanado!
Choice 1: 赤き谷ザナド? Zanado, the Red Canyon?
ソティス: それじゃよ!つい先日に行ったばかりじゃというのに……
Sothis: That's it! It was not long ago that we were there...
And still, I somehow managed to forget!
Choice 2: 盗賊を討伐した…… Where we defeated the thieves...
Choice 3: 何だっけ…… What is that?
ソティス: おぬし、わしより物覚えが悪いのう。つい先日、行ったではないか。
Sothis: Oh my, your memory is even worse than mine. It was not long ago that we were there!
Byleth: それで? What about it?
ソティス: そう、それでじゃ。ザナドの景色に、わしは懐かしさを覚えたじゃろう?
Sothis: Well... That place brought back some fragments of my memory.
I cannot help but wonder why. I feel we must return to find some answers there.
Choice 1: 行こう(外伝戦闘へ) Let's go. (Begin Paralogue battle)
ソティス: うむ、今日できることは今日やれ、と昔から言うしのう。
Sothis: Yes, you are right! For as the saying goes, there is no time like the present.
Choice 2: 今は行けない(準備に戻る) Now isn't the time. (Return to previous screen)
ソティス: 何じゃと?付き合いの悪い奴じゃな。
Sothis: No? You must delight in spoiling my mood...
Well, if you refuse to go, there's little I can do...
Please tell me if you change your mind.
(玄関ホール 昼)
Entrance Hall | Daytime
エーデルガルト: 今のは……師?独りでいったいどこへ……
Edelgard: Hmm... Our professor is sneaking off alone. Where to, I wonder...
ヒューベルト: 特に予定はなかったと思いますが。後を追いますかな?
Hubert: I don't recall hearing of any such plans for our class. Perhaps we should follow.
エーデルガルト: ……追いたそうね。それじゃ、課外活動ということにするわ。
Edelgard: Intrigued, are we? Yes, let's do just that. We will consider it...extra training.
ディミトリ: あれは……先生、だよな?わざわざ独りで外へ行くなんて、珍しい。
Dimitri: It is most unlike our professor to go wandering alone like that...
ドゥドゥー: ……外出の予定はなかったはず。気にかかりますか、殿下。
Dedue: Curious, Your Highness?
ディミトリ: ああ、何と言うか……胸騒ぎがする。ひとまず、学級の皆を集めよう。
Dimitri: Yes. I have an uneasy feeling about this. Let's gather the others and find out what is going on.
ヒルダ: あれ?先生、独りで出かけるのかな?
Hilda: Huh? Where's our professor going all alone like that?
クロード: そんな予定はないはず……気になるなあ。よし、みんなを集めるか。
Claude: I hate not knowing what's going on... OK, that's it. Let's gather the others and get to the bottom of this.
ヒルダ: ええー、まさか追いかけるの?面倒くさ……でも、興味はあるかな。
Hilda: You want to follow our teacher?! What a pain... Ugh, but I guess I'm dying of curiosity too.
(赤き谷ザナド 昼)
Zanado, the Red Canyon | Daytime
ソティス: ふむふむ、やはり見覚えが……この建物は、確か……
Sothis: Yes... It is all coming back to me. This structure...
Oh, but it's as though my memories are clouded. The most important pieces are obscured.
But I once called this home. I have no doubt.
I seem to recall something...on the other side of that wall. I cannot see it, but I can still feel it...
It is not my imagination. I know this to be true. We are already deep within this valley...
???: グヴォオオオオオッ!!
???: Grrrraargh!
ソティス: な、なな、何じゃ!?今のは……!
Sothis: Oh! What was that awful sound?!
Choice 1: 何か聞こえた? You heard something?
ソティス: このような時にふざけるでない、おぬし!あの叫び声が聞こえぬはずがなかろう!
Sothis: This is not time to joke around! Do not pretend you didn't hear!
Choice 2: 叫び声のような…… It was a terrible scream.
ソティス: そうじゃ!普通の獣ではない、恐ろしく大きな叫び……
Sothis: Yes. And that was not a normal beast, but a huge and terrifying one!
ソティス: ……あ、あれを見よ、おぬし!谷の入口に、巨大な影が……!
Sothis: Look! There! At the entrance of the valley...a giant shadow!
はぐれ魔獣: ギュオオオオン!
Wild Demonic Beast: Graaargh!
ソティス: こ、今度は何じゃ!?
Sothis: What is it now?!
ソティス: 飢えた狼ども……あの叫び声のぬしに追い立てられたか?
Sothis: Those hungry wolves... That howl must have riled them up.
We have no choice but to fight our way out. Give it your all!
ヒューベルト: 先生を追いかけてきたは良いものの、何とも言えぬ状況になりましたな。
Hubert: It's good we've caught up with the professor, but this situation is―hard to put into words, actually.
エーデルガルト: 前方には狼、後方には鷹、谷の入口には……魔獣ね、あれは。
Edelgard: Wolves to the front, hawks to the rear, and what appears to be a Demonic Beast at the canyon's mouth...
ヒューベルト: それも野生の……いえ、はぐれ魔獣、とでも呼ぶべきでしょうか?
Hubert: A wild beast, at that. Or perhaps it's more fitting to call it a stray.
エーデルガルト: あの魔獣をどうにかしないことには、この赤き谷からは帰れなさそうね。
Edelgard: If we can't prevail over that Demonic Beast, we won't make it out of the Red Canyon alive.
ディミトリ: まずい状況だな。先生を追いかけてきたは良いが……
Dimitri: This is bad... It's a good thing we managed to catch up with our professor.
ドゥドゥー: 前方と後方に巨大な狼と鷹、それから……谷の入り口にいるのは魔獣……でしょうか。
Dedue: Wolves at the front. Hawks at the rear. And at the canyon mouth, a Demonic Beast.
ディミトリ: ああ……そのようだ。はぐれ魔獣、とでも呼ぶべきだろうか。
Dimitri: Or perhaps to call it a stray beast would be most fitting... If we cannot take out the beast, I doubt we will ever see the monastery again.
クロード: 追いかけてきて正解だったな。どう見てもまずい状況だぜ、あれ。
Claude: It was the right move for us to follow Teach. But however you look at it, we're in a tough spot now...
ヒルダ: 大きな狼と鷹に……谷の入口にいるのは魔獣?? あー来るんじゃなかったー!
Hilda: Wolves, hawks...not to mention a Demonic Beast guarding the canyon's entrance! We should never have come here.
クロード: そう言うなって。しかし、何で魔獣が……野生の、はぐれ魔獣ってか?
Claude: Don't say that! But what's a Demonic Beast doing here? Is it a stray? Even Teach would have trouble out here all alone. Let's help out before we're down one professor!
エーデルガルト: 何はともあれ、まずは師と合流しましょう。狼に囲まれているわ。
Edelgard: The first thing we need to do is reunite with our professor. The wolves are closing in...
ディミトリ: とにかく、まずは先生を助け出そう。先生と言えど、あのままでは危ない……!
Dimitri: We must help our professor, first and foremost. This is a tough situation for anyone.
クロード: まずは先生と合流しないことにはな。みんな、急ぐぞ!
Claude: First thing's first. We need to reunite with Teach. Hurry up, everyone!
3ターン目敵軍フェイズ 増援出現時
はぐれ魔獣: ギュオオオオン!
Wild Demonic Beast: Graaargh!
エーデルガルト: あちらからも鷹が……!まずいわ、挟み撃ちになるわね。
Edelgard: More hawks... This is bad. We'll be caught from both sides!
エーデルガルト: あちらからも鷹が……!まずいわ、師はまだあそこにいるのに!
ディミトリ: 鷹の群れがあちらからも……!奴ら、俺たちを挟撃するつもりだな。
Dimitri: They must hope to catch us from both sides.
クロード: あっちからも鷹が飛んできやがった。鳥の分際で人間様を挟撃しようってのか。
クロード: あっちからも鷹が飛んできやがった。先生はまだ向こうにいるんだ、まずいぞ。
Claude: Great...more hawks. Those feathery jerks are trying to take us out from both sides!
5ターン目敵軍フェイズ 増援出現時
はぐれ魔獣: ギュオオオオン!
エーデルガルト: また鷹が現れたわね……。魔獣と戦う前に始末しておくべきかしら。
Edelgard: The hawks are still coming. Perhaps we should see to those before we deal with the beast.
ディミトリ: くっ、また鷹か……!魔獣と戦う前に倒しておくべきだろうな。
Dimitri: Blast! More hawks! We should probably take those out before we approach that beast...
クロード: また鷹かよ……。高々と飛びやがって。魔獣と戦う前に倒しちまおう。
Claude: More hawks?! The air's swarming with those feathered freaks! Let's get them before we fight the beast.
vs Wild Demonic Beast
はぐれ魔獣: グヴォオオオッ!ガアッ! ガアッ……!
Wild Demonic Beast: Graaargh!
ソティス: こやつ……意思はない、か。ならば、このまま討ってやれ、おぬし。
Sothis: This thing... It has no will or mind to call its own. You must now strike it down!
That is the best you can hope to offer this poor, lost soul.
Byleth: ………………。 ...
クロード: こいつもマイクランのように、元は人間だったりするのか
Claude: Do you think it was once a human, like Miklan?
No... It's not possible...
フレン: ……ここで終わらせて差し上げますわ。それがわたくしにできる精一杯ですの。
Flayn: Let us put an end to its suffering. I think that is the most honorable thing we can do at this point.
ソティス: 終わったか。やれやれ、とんだ邪魔が入ってしもうたの。
Sothis: Our work is done? My, my... Things did not go as planned.
Let us return, before any more hawks or wolves join us.
But what was that Demonic Beast doing within the Red Canyon...
エーデルガルト: 無事で良かったわ。でも、単独行動は危険よ、師。
Edelgard: I'm glad you are safe, Professor. It was rather reckless of you to venture out alone like that.
ヒューベルト: 我々も勝手についてきたわけですが、ここは互いに叱責を避けるため……
Hubert: I suppose we came out here without permission too. If we all wish to avoid punishment...
Perhaps we can all agree that we came out here for an extra-curricular activity. Let's leave it at that.
エーデルガルト: それにしても貴方、谷に何の用があったの?やはり何か疑問が……
Edelgard: Still, I would like to know what brought you to this valley in the first place...
ディミトリ: 先生……本当に、無事で良かった。何かあったらどうするつもりだったんだ!
Dimitri: Professor, I am so glad that you are unharmed. What if something had happened to you?
ドゥドゥー: ……殿下、こうして生き延びられたのです。そういった話は、修道院に戻ってからに。
Dedue: Your Highness, our instructor is safe. We should return to the monastery at once.
ディミトリ: ……そうだな。というか、このままでは俺たちも叱責を免れないわけで……。
Dimitri: Yes, I suppose you are right. If we stay here much longer, we are sure to be reprimanded.
ドゥドゥー: ……先生が、おれたちを連れて戦闘訓練に出たということにしては。
Dedue: It is not untrue to assert that our professor led us here for battle experience...
ディミトリ: ドゥドゥー、お前なあ……。で、先生は、いったい何の用で……
Dimitri: Dedue, you surprise me! And you, Professor. I hope you will tell us what brought you here...
クロード: 確かに探索は心躍るが、命あっての物種だぜ、先生。
Claude: Listen, Teach. No one likes aimless wandering more than me, but it's not worth dying over.
ヒルダ: まあまあ、無事だったんだから良かったってことにしましょー。
Hilda: Well, we're all OK now, so let's just focus on the positive.
Ooh, maybe we can tell folks back at the monastery that we came here for battle training? With our dear professor's permission?
クロード: そりゃいいな! 流石はヒルダ、面倒事を避けさせたら右に出る者はいないよな。
Claude: Hilda, you scamp! No one has a knack for getting out of trouble quite like you do. It is a gift, milady.
ヒルダ: 面倒事を起こさせたら右に出る者がいないクロードくんに言われてもなあ……。
Hilda: Oh, is that right? Well, no one can get into trouble quite like you, so it works out!
ソティス: やれやれ、酷い目に遭うたのう。
Sothis: Oh dear... I put us in a bit of danger there!
We are most fortunate that those delinquents followed us... You very nearly met your end!
What a marvelous professor you must be, for all your students to be so concerned.
Choice 1: 誇らしい I'm proud of us. (Sothis ⤴)
ソティス: おぬしも教え導くものとしての自覚が出てきたのやもしれんのう。
Sothis: Hmm, you seem more confident in your ability to teach.
But that makes sense, as you have me to help you out.
Choice 2: まだ慣れない I'm not used to it yet.
ソティス: 何じゃ、まだ慣れんのか。
Sothis: You are not used to it? Hm.
You must start thinking of yourself as a professor here. Be confident, as you have me to help you out.
ソティス: しかし、あれだけの危険に晒されて、得るものなしとは、とんだ……
Sothis: How disappointing to have dived so deep into danger, and yet to have nothing to show.
Huh? What is this...strange feeling...
My memories... Do you feel them stirring?
How curious. You seem to have grown stronger!
And all thanks to our journey to Zanado. It really was worth all that effort!
Byleth: ……これも拾った I found something...
ソティス: ……は?拾ったじゃと?
Sothis: Huh? You found this?
I daresay you may find a use for that.
You should decide how best to use that thing. But wow! We got a lot out of this trip.
It was a bother for a spell, but in the end, I feel we should think fondly of our little trip.
We actually had a delightful time, wouldn't you say?